This is a picture of my beautiful new bike!!!!! Please note the white seat. This is my favorite part.
Once Greg told me he was going to get me a bike, I called David and had him research the bikes for sale and pick out the best one for me. I told him Greg was giving me $500, and I'd be willing to spend A LITTLE BIT. So, he picks this bike out and it's $750. I was a little sad about that, but of course as soon as I saw it in person I fell in love with it. I've been stressed (my car failed inspection and apparently it's going to be $750 to fix, and we're booking hotels and dog boarding for our England trip and I have no money EVER!) and depressed lately and I wanted to get the bike so I could stop thinking that Greg didn't get me anything for my birthday! I gave in a decided I would put $250 toward a new bike. I justified it by saying if I only spend the $500 that Greg gives me, I will get a bike no better than the one I have; I need an upgrade! Last night we went to the bike shop and I got to test ride the bike and it was orgasmic. I brought my old bike to trade in (before I went there I decided that the absolute lowest price I would accept for it was $75, if they'd even take it!). The guy at the shop is looking at my bike and he asks how much I paid for it and then he said "what do you want for it?" Just as I was about to say $100, he was like "I'll give you $200 for it." !!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe what it!! I went there thinking I was going to spend $250 on my new bike, but I only had to spend $50!!! I was so happy I almost cried.
Of course I rode it to work this morning and plan on riding nonstop until it starts snowing.
That's fantastic! It's like an unexpected gift. $200 is a great trade-in price.