Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I want some Crest White Strips.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I have a runny nose.
Well, I'm stuck working in the campground. I'm breaking all of my rules by being on the internet right now, but whatev. There's about 4 people in the campground and it's rainy and stupid and slow and boring. A girl Sarah is supposed to be working 12-8, and she hasn't shown up yet (it's 4:30) and isn't answering her phone. Apparently she worked here a few years ago and had to quit becuase she was going to school, but now she's back! I told Greg I thought it was a bad idea to hire her back, because she has like 3 other jobs and can only work Wednesdays and Sunday, and we already have coverage those day; we really don't need her. Her first day, she was 45 minutes late, her second day she had to leave 3 hours early, and now this. Apparently she was awesome when she worked here before, but I say she sucks. And, she totally reminds me of Carol. She has the same build (i.e. round face, hips, everything), and kind of the same personality (i.e. weird jokes, always sick).
Good news! I only have two more days of school left!!! Tomorrow I'll get out at 12 and on Tuesday I get out at 10 and then I'm done!! I totally skipped school on Thursday and Friday. Thursday I did a lot of nothing and it was great. On Friday, Greg and I went to Boston with our "friends" Tara and Russ. We went to the aquarium and we went on the Duck Tours. I don't know if you're familiar with those, but you get a tour of the city in a crazy vehicle that is both a car and a boat. It's pretty sweet. The aquarium was okay. Not as cool as Balitmore, but that could be due to the fact that there were about 50 field trips there and I could hardly breathe! For dinner, we went to this pizza place called Upper Crust. Nathan and I ate there pretty much every night during our trip to Boston, so I convinced everyone that Upper Crust was where we needed to go. Seriously, it is the most delicious pizza I've ever had. If we go to Boston when you're here, I suggest we go there. The trip to Boston was fun, for the most part. But I don't know if it's because I secretly hate Tara, or if we're too different, but I just never really have anything to talk about with her and she's not really funny (which is a MUST, if you want to be friends with Kendra Cox). I feel like her and Russ don't have anything to talk about with Greg, either, because all they freaking talk about is park stuff. It's really fuckin' annoying. I mean, I work at the park, I can relate to what they're talking about, but all day? Seriously? So, for the most part, I just sit silently and think about what I can eat for dinner. And Russ is apparently God's gift to fixing things, so that's pretty much all he talks about, when he's not talking about the park. When we were on the Duck Tour, we went under some bridge and he would not stop talking about the amount of steel used to make the bridge. He was way too excited about it, like to the point of needing some alone time.
Also on Friday was my Relay for Life with my softball team. I was planning on going right at the start of it and staying for a few hours. Unfortunately, Tara is the one who drove to Boston, so when her and Russ wanted to keep looking at shit, I couldn't really say no. We ended up getting home at 9:30 and the Relay was about an hour from my house. Yeah, that wasn't happening, and frankly, I didn't really feel like going anyway. So, I called the captain of our team and explained the situation and was like "Well, I'm going to try to get there at 6am, because I have to work at 8." She was like "you have to work??!! Don't come here! We understand! Don't feel bad!!" I was pretty happy she said that to me, so I didn't argue with her.
My Saturday and Sunday has been pretty uneventful. It's seriously rained almost everyday in June and the temperature hasn't gotten about 70 and I'm totally depressed about this. It's almost 4th of July and I'm still wearing hoodies!! I wish it would just be summer already!! Oh!! Something really exciting-I have an interview at this store called EMS (Eastern Mountain Sports). This is pretty much my dream job. This is seriously the coolest store ever and I plan on retiring from this place. As of right now, I'll only be working like one or two days a week (if they're willing to do that) because really I just want the discount. However, the manager wants to interview me on Friday, and I totally forgot that I'm going to be in VA on Friday (I'm going there for 2 days to watch my dad graduate from college and party like it's 1999). So, I called the manager to see if I could reschedule it and she's never freakin' there! I hope this doesn't hurt my chances of getting my dream job!
Should I buy tickets for Harry Potter? I'm totally serious about going to see it at midnight, so before I go buying tickets, I want to make sure you are, too.
Okay, Sarah (the girl who's supposed to be working) just called and "totally forgot that she's supposed to work today!!" I was like "Well, by the time you get here, you'll only work for 2 hours and that's pointless. Don't worry about it."
Well, I think that's all I have to say. I will post pictures later. Good day!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
It's a small world
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I'm only happy when it rains!

Monday, June 8, 2009
A MamaC Weekend!

This is a picture of it. However, mine is black and pink. I also bought an awesome hammock!! My front yard has two trees perfectly placed for a hammock. At EMS, I found one that has a mosquito net with it, so it's pretty much the best thing ever!! I haven't set it up yet because the motherfucker didn't come with rope, but maybe tomorrow I'll have to make a trip to get some. I'm probably going to take naps in it all summer.
On Sunday evening, my mom put me though mashed potato boot camp! My mashed potatoes are nowhere near as delicious as hers, so I made sure that I knew the technique before she left. Apparently the secret is to use beaters and not a masher. We had a delicious dinner with a delicious strawberry shortcake-type dessert.
The parentals left today, so it was back to normal life. I seriously can't wait until this school year is over. I think I have 5 sick days left and I'm probably going to have to use them. I've about had it with these high school bitches. After work, we took Molly on her first walk. I wish I had brought my camera, but I forgot it. She was really precious with her tiny collar and leash. We didn't go too far, but she did really well keeping up! I think she really loved it. She's been sleeping ever since we got home. Hopefully this will make her sleep past 4:30am. If so, it's going to be an everyday routine.
Well, we're watching the movie 21 and Greg is bitchy because I "haven't looked up once!!" Good day!

Friday, June 5, 2009
A preview.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
You spin my head right round.