These are pictures of Molly Girl waiting for her grandparents to arrive. I put the bandana on her so she'd be extra cute!!
My mom and David arrived on Friday afternoon. They brought my twin bed and some boxes of crap that I had at their house. I'm pretty excited about the bed. I think it's going to be my nap time bed.
On Saturday, I had to work for a few hours, and while I was gone, they planted flowers in the flower boxes on the outside of our house. They look pretty cute and happy. Also, they bought some Miracle Gro, so I gave it to my vegetables. Hopefully they will grow huge and delicious. In the evening, Greg's parents came up so we could all go out to dinner. Greg and I were prepared for the most awkward night of our lives. You know how my parents are, and Greg's are pretty much the exact opposite. They seem pretty quiet and mundane, until you get to know them. I thought my mom and David would be trying too hard to keep the conversation going and end up annoying everyone. However, the exact opposite happened and I'm pretty sure they're best friends now. Here's how it went down:
Greg's parents show up in Greg's dad's 1970-something Pontiac GTO. Greg and I are both like "Oh, no. Seriously?!!" Because 1. it's super loud and 2. It's a little embarrassing. However, my mom and David are like "AWESOME CAR!!" So, there's 6 of us and we're going to a Japanese Steakhouse for dinner. The most people any of our cars can fit is 4 people. We're awkwardly trying to figure out the seating arrangements and finally my mom and David are like "We want to ride in the Pontiac!!" So, Greg and I ended up riding in my car while our parents rode in his parents car. Pretty much the whole ride to the restaurant we're like "What are they talking about? This is so weird!!"
We get to the restaurant and everyone gets out of the car laughing and saying how awesome it is! Greg and I are in shock. We sit at our table and you know, it's the usual Japanese Steakhouse stuff. And then my mom randomly says "Isn't this a great birthday, Kendra?!" The chef hears and thinks it's my birthday for the rest of the night. I get all the special treatment, like he tries to throw extra pieces of food in my mouth! The most hilarious part is at the end of the night, he brings me an ice cream sundae! The sundae was a little weird. It had fruit loops on it. But they sang to me, so it was fun...I guess.
We came back to the house and played cards for a few hours and took part in some friendly banter. When Greg's parents left, my mom exclaims "I LOVE THEM!!" I was quite surprised to hear this, but still happy. Later, I asked my mom how long they were in the car before she brought up me and Greg getting married. She said not very long. At first I was embarrassed by this because his parents seem like they're closed off and don't really think about those kinds of things. But she said that they're wondering the same thing. Greg's dad apparently thinks he's a fool for taking so long (which made me so happy to hear). The mutual consensus was that Greg is waiting for Jen to get married so he doesn't steal her thunder. It got me pretty excited to hear that his parents would like us to get married.
On Sunday, my mom, David and I did some hiking and then some shopping. We went to EMS (Eastern Mountain Sports [my favorite store ever!]) and I got a sweet-ass portable, bendable tripod for my camera! I can bring it hiking with me and wrap it around a tree branch, or something. It's so cool!!

This is a picture of it. However, mine is black and pink. I also bought an awesome hammock!! My front yard has two trees perfectly placed for a hammock. At EMS, I found one that has a mosquito net with it, so it's pretty much the best thing ever!! I haven't set it up yet because the motherfucker didn't come with rope, but maybe tomorrow I'll have to make a trip to get some. I'm probably going to take naps in it all summer.
On Sunday evening, my mom put me though mashed potato boot camp! My mashed potatoes are nowhere near as delicious as hers, so I made sure that I knew the technique before she left. Apparently the secret is to use beaters and not a masher. We had a delicious dinner with a delicious strawberry shortcake-type dessert.
The parentals left today, so it was back to normal life. I seriously can't wait until this school year is over. I think I have 5 sick days left and I'm probably going to have to use them. I've about had it with these high school bitches. After work, we took Molly on her first walk. I wish I had brought my camera, but I forgot it. She was really precious with her tiny collar and leash. We didn't go too far, but she did really well keeping up! I think she really loved it. She's been sleeping ever since we got home. Hopefully this will make her sleep past 4:30am. If so, it's going to be an everyday routine.
Well, we're watching the movie 21 and Greg is bitchy because I "haven't looked up once!!" Good day!
I'm in love with all of your Molly pictures. Really I'm in love with all of your pictures. Sounds like the weekend was amazing and I'm not going to lie, I was trying to be a good friend and get excited about the whole marriage thing but a SMALL part of me hates you a little. Don't worry it's small.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I'm horribly jealous of your life.