So far I've had two softball games this week, and today is my third. Monday was a really good game for me because I caught two pop flies in the outfield and I got a pretty good hit with an RBI! On Tuesday, I got a hit and my fielding was okay, but not as good as Monday. One of the girls on my team is letting me use her brand new bat because it's too heavy for her. Well, my coach told me that my batting hasn't been as good as it normally is because the bat I'm using isn't "broken in yet." Who knew you had to break in a piece of metal?! On Tuesday, I played right field (which I HATE! I'm a left center kind of girl) and my (kind of crazy) friend from school who got me on the team, Kristin, was playing right center. Well, a ball was hit to ME and Kristin was supposed to be my back-up. Well, we both started running to get the ball, and it actually blew past both of us. Because it was directly behind me, I ran to go get it. Kristin, thinking she's all that and a bag of chips runs after it as well, except she PUSHES me out of the way and screams "I'M GETTING IT!!!!!!!" So, I'm fucking pissed off. I literally stop in my tracks and purposefully stand in her way so she has to throw it around me to get the ball in. Once the play is over she says "Sorry, I just knew I could get to it and throw it in quickly." I say "Do you honestly think you're faster than me? And did you seriously have to push me?" (BTW, there's no way she's faster than me. She's about 5'2" and her entire leg is about as long as my shin. And she's not the most physically fit person I've ever seen). So, the story ends with her not even realizing she pushed me and me being totally pissed off.
So, today I have a lot of cleaning to do. I'm also mailing Rachel's birthday present! Finally! Molly can sit on command. Also, Molly just stood in front of the closet door and cried so I asked her if she had to go outside and she barked at me. When I let her out she went poops!!! SHE IS A PUPPY PRODIGY!! She's going to the vet today for all her puppy shots. It should be interesting.
These pictures are me and the girls taking a nap on the couch (this is mostly for Rachel), a giant snapping turtle I saw crossing the street, and Molly spooning her toys as she sleeps.
HOLY COW, I love that napping picture. And the snapping turtle, I hope we get to see one of those while we are there!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to get my present! I am so jealous of Molly. Allie peed in Kevin's room last night because she was scared of a storm. What I would do for a puppy prodigy.
Kendra... please punch a bitch in the face. No one should be stopping you from taking care of business on the softball field. You are clearly better than her and if she wasn't such a horrible person, you would have been able to make that play on my birthday! I hate her now.
I'm still super excited about visiting!!
Hahahaha, man! Kendra, you should just take Rachel around with you to cheer you on when people piss you off. I love that she instantly hated that girl for you! (I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. I'm just an average friend, I guess)
ReplyDeleteYour dog is really adorable. And the snapping turtle photo is cool too, but I hate those things. They're so mean and scary! One time my dad and I were mini-golfing and we saw one that was like three feet big and my dad almost lost an arm. Well, okay, that didn't really happen, but the point is that we saw one and he snapped at my dad in a menacing and evil way. And it seriously was three feet. That part wasn't an exaggeration.
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard anybody say "all that and a bag of chips" since middle school. Well played.
Some day Katie, you will be a great friend like me, don't worry. By the way, every word you write makes me laugh. Especially "well played," I can't explain it.
ReplyDeleteI wish you were capable of distiguishing the difference between three feet and six inches, clearly the turtle was not three feet!
Three feet, Rachel! I know what I saw!