I have included a picture of one of our "beaches," so you can look at them and laugh at these crazy yankees. Also, this is a happy goose family that lives at the beach. They have four tiny chicks who are so cute!

Yesterday I got all excited because I thought Rachel was getting a new phone tomorrow, but unfortunately I was mistaken. June 12th is going to take forever to get here.
When I got home from work today, Greg and Molly were waiting for me on the porch and Molly did a little happy dance when she saw me! It was so cute! I was surprised she actually recognized me!

That store is so cute! Also, the beach is cute too. I know you say it's boring, but it seems like that would be really relaxing working there all day, watching geese.
ReplyDeleteAlso, that's adorable about Molly being excited to see you. That makes me want a puppy so much!
It's my pre-birthday so I get to say whatever I want. First things first, have you guys noticed how many times you both used the word "cute" throughout this blog? Secondly, Paul became suddenly sick with the cold/allergies from hell last night and I'm positive he is going to ruin my birthday by being sick. I am completely aware of how bratty that is, but it's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to damnit! I've been really getting my hopes up that maybe this year I'll get spoiled, that's already looking unlikely.
ReplyDeleteThirdly, are there snakes at the beach, cause I plan on using it when I visit, WOOP WOOP.
Oh and lastly, Kendra I totally know what you mean about thinking as if you were in the books reality. I did that all the time when I was reading the twilight books. I developed this creepy dialogue after I would read, as if I was narrating my life. WEI-RD.
Hahahaha Rachel, that's hilarious about the creepy dialogue.