Well today was another beautiful day in New Hampshire. It was 80 degrees and sunny and glorious! When I got home from school, I did some gardening (as can be seen here). We have a ton of flowers in our yard that Greg was threatening to cut when he mows the lawn, so I decided to move them into the garden. This is my first attempt at a garden, so we'll see how long they last. I have a friend Melissa who I work with and she's a florist as her other job, and she's pretty much an expert on gardens. I'm trying to bribe her with beer to come over here and plant my tomato plants for me. There's all kinds of bullshit you have to do for these plants and it's really stressful.
Tomorrow is my first day working at the park. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be setting up the campground store for the entire day. I'm okay with this because it's better than dealing with angry campers. My dream is that my dogs won't be too crazy this summer, so when I'm working, I can tie them up outside of the store and they can be campground dogs.
Yesterday we bought Molly her own bed. The other day she managed to get out of the crate and Greg came home to find her in Peanut's bed. She's such a meanie to Peanut. She kicks Peanut out of her bed and chases her away from her food! Peanut is just way too submissive for her own good. When we yell at Molly, Peanut freaks out and runs away. She's crazy. But anyway, we bought Molly a bed with the hope that she will sleep on her bed rather than chase Peanut out of hers. Right now, Peanut is sleeping on Molly's bed and barking at Molly any time she comes near. I think Peanut likes Molly's bed better because it's like 3 times as fluffy as Peanut's old, flattened bed. These girls are ridiculous.
Can I just say that I'm obsessed with Arizona Iced Tea? Preferably the Raspberry flavor. You know those huge cans that only cost 99 cents?! Man, I love those. It's the most refreshing drink on a hot day. Too bad there's like 70g of sugar in one can.
Today I spoke with Monica and we had an enjoyable conversation. We spent most of our time talking about Chinese toilets. Frankly, that is enough for me to not want to go China. Monica was saying that she may have 2 weeks of freedom and she wants to do something awesome like go to an airport and buy a ticket to anywhere, just to go. I said she should definitely get someone to go with her, so maybe this is the perfect opportunity for the "non carefree Rachel." So, you might want to call her and discuss the travel plans.
Did you guys watch the finale of The Office? I really enjoyed it. I won't say anything, for fear of spoiling, but I thought it was cute. Also, I heard that the Grey's finale was the best thing ever. I would really like to watch a lot of the episodes from this season, but freakin' abc.com only has a few of the episodes; not the whole season. How lame! Do you guys know of anywhere else I can watch it?
Well, I think it's time to relax and prepare myself for my first day tomorrow!