Well, I survived my first weekend at the park.
Yesterday, I spent the whole day unpacking a lot of boxes and making the store look nice( see the before and after pictures). Everything was so dusty and nasty, I'm pretty sure I sneezed about 50 times. Today I spent the day putting prices on everything, I was pretty much buried in price tags. I also took a picture of this, but it's not as exciting as I hoped it would be.

After work yesterday, Greg's parents showed up for about 15 minutes. They were on their way home from Maine and Greg's mom wanted to plant some flowers for Jen's wedding. Jen is having her first wedding (she's getting married in the US and in England) here at Bear Brook in one of the pavilions, so Greg's mom is all about using my garden to plant her wedding flowers. I'm actually fine with this because my garden will be beautiful without me having to do any work. They also got to meet their granddaughter, Molly. They're not really dog people so they definitely weren't into the whole thing where Molly chews on everything all the time. But they said she has pretty eyes, so I'm fine with that.
Once Greg's parents left, we headed over to our friends Tara and Russ's house. I'm pretty sure I've told you about Tara. She is a park manager at a park that's about 20 minutes from us. She is the manliest woman I've ever met. She spends her free time cutting down trees and picking food out of her teeth with her knife. During the summer that Greg and I fell in love, Tara was a little bit obsessed with Greg and she would call him all the time and show up at his house and never freakin' leave. Greg's too nice to say "Tara, I want to hang out with Kendra, get the fuck out of my house!!" So, I spent a lot of my time silently hating Tara and Greg. But anyway, I guess she eventually accepted the fact that Greg loves me and not her, and she eventually got a "boyfriend," too. I have this in quotes because a little part of me thinks that she's trying to make him jealous. So, we're "friends" now and we hang out sometimes. I'm still not a huge fan of her because she calls way more than she should, carries on the conversation way longer than needed, and every time I am around her and Greg, they talk about park stuff and I hate every second of it. As I was saying! We went to their house last night and ate some delicious steak and talked about park crap. I pulled a Rachel because I kept stressing the fact that we had to get home to let Molly out. It actually worked pretty well! We got home around 10 and I was really effin' tired. To top it off, little Molly decided to wake up at 4:45 this morning and not go back to sleep. It was good times.
I have a softball game tomorrow. Hopefully we won't be mercy ruled again. Thursday we have early release and no school on Friday!! Yay! Apparently there's only 24 or so days left of school and I'm totally stoked.
Well, good day!
Wow Kendra, you did an amazing job unpacking and reorganizing the store. It looks beautiful now. I must say though, I do not envy you for having to do that.
ReplyDeleteAnd about this stupid Tara girl. I remember her. She was always in Greg's face during that summer you went up there. What a bitch! I am "friends" with Paul's ex-girlfriend, which also sucks.
Regarding the whole "pull a Rachel" comment, do you now see how very true that statement really is. I mean you have responsibilities. I don't do it to get out of all things, especially things that include Katie.
Good luck at your softball game tonight. I hope you win or do something awesome. Please inform Gregory that we will be visiting from July 21st to July 25th. He needs ample warning before we take over his home.