Tomorrow is my first day working at the park. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be setting up the campground store for the entire day. I'm okay with this because it's better than dealing with angry campers. My dream is that my dogs won't be too crazy this summer, so when I'm working, I can tie them up outside of the store and they can be campground dogs.
Yesterday we bought Molly her own bed. The other day she managed to get out of the crate and Greg came home to find her in Peanut's bed. She's such a meanie to Peanut. She kicks Peanut out of her bed and chases her away from her food! Peanut is just way too submissive for her own good. When we yell at Molly, Peanut freaks out and runs away. She's crazy. But anyway, we bought Molly a bed with the hope that she will sleep on her bed rather than chase Peanut out of hers. Right now, Peanut is sleeping on Molly's bed and barking at Molly any time she comes near. I think Peanut likes Molly's bed better because it's like 3 times as fluffy as Peanut's old, flattened bed. These girls are ridiculous.
Can I just say that I'm obsessed with Arizona Iced Tea? Preferably the Raspberry flavor. You know those huge cans that only cost 99 cents?! Man, I love those. It's the most refreshing drink on a hot day. Too bad there's like 70g of sugar in one can.
Today I spoke with Monica and we had an enjoyable conversation. We spent most of our time talking about Chinese toilets. Frankly, that is enough for me to not want to go China. Monica was saying that she may have 2 weeks of freedom and she wants to do something awesome like go to an airport and buy a ticket to anywhere, just to go. I said she should definitely get someone to go with her, so maybe this is the perfect opportunity for the "non carefree Rachel." So, you might want to call her and discuss the travel plans.
Did you guys watch the finale of The Office? I really enjoyed it. I won't say anything, for fear of spoiling, but I thought it was cute. Also, I heard that the Grey's finale was the best thing ever. I would really like to watch a lot of the episodes from this season, but freakin' abc.com only has a few of the episodes; not the whole season. How lame! Do you guys know of anywhere else I can watch it?
Well, I think it's time to relax and prepare myself for my first day tomorrow!

Okay, I have to defend the entire country of China right now. The toilet situation is completely disgusting (Monica wasn't exaggerating), but the rest of the country is awesome! Plus, now I appreciate my own beautiful bathroom more than I ever did before.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I've decided I don't feel bad for you about the Grey's situation. I've been telling you all season that you need to watch it! First, it was really ridiculous and then, it got crazy good. It's been awesome again for a while now. If you had just listened to me all along, you wouldn't be in this predicament. So there.
That said, I still need to watch the last couple of episodes, so if you know what happens, don't tell me. I'm so behind on every single TV show.
Dearest Kendra,
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy you got a chance to talk to Monica. But... going on a trip with Monica "anywhere" sounds expensive. So while I'd love to be carefree and I do think Monica would be the best person to make that happen, I can't afford that kind of carefree. I can afford the inexpensive carefree. I was going to be sooo carefree as to go camping with Monica, Katie, Derek, and others this weekend. But that got cancelled due to the weather situation (rain).
If you have any other suggestions for the new carefree Rachel, please share.
Here is an update on my weight loss/get fit program. I have lost 2 lbs. I started this whole thing at 155 and now I'm 153. Paul commented that it was hard to believe I weight 153 (I think he was trying to not be a jerk), but I am. I guess I'm just compact or something.
Oh.. I think you may be able to watch Grey's Anatomy on hulu.com. Not positive but it is worth a shot. I haven't been watching either (sorry Katie), but have heard good things.
Now, about the whole Peanut/Molly situation. If you want Peanut to teach Molly how to be a great dog, then Peanut needs to be dominant over her. So, I recommend that you feed Peanut first and hold back Molly, then feed Molly. Also, always address Peanut first and then Molly. It is also important that Molly does not develop any territorial behaviors, such as the bed and food. So... with the bed, lay down in it with her, make her get up and leave occasionally, and then call her back while you are in the bed. With the food, you should be able to put your hands in the food and take it away without her getting aggressive. What I have learned about getting a puppy young is that they tend to be more dominant and aggressive, which is not fun for an owner (Allie is not dominant with food or bed, but is socially awkward and barks aggressively at other dogs).
I am really jealous of the picture posting. I would do this but don't have a working camera and every time I try to use my phone camera, my phone shuts off. I REALLY need a new phone but am waiting till June 12th, when I can the iphone for a discounted price.
Kendra, I don't think you know this but Katie has a blog, katie-noname.blogspot..com. I am informing you of this, because if you did know, you would have read that she already brought up the whole Office finale. Get a clue woman!