Friday, May 29, 2009

Rain rain go away.

Today I just finished the book "The Tenth Circle" by Jodi Picoult.  It was kind of awesome and I ignored all of my students today just so I could read it.  The girls I work with are obsessed with this author and they game me a list of her books to read.  The first one I read was "My Sister's Keeper," which was good, but I didn't LOVE.  "My Sister's Keeper" is going to be a movie this summer, so I think we're going to have a nerdy book club/movie date.  I've been thinking about the book all day, so I apologize for opening my blog with this.

Do you ever go though phases where you hate every item of clothing you own?  Well, I'm going through that right now.  I don't hate my everyday clothes, but my work clothes, I despise!  Part of it may be the fact that I have no motivation to go to work, so my attitude is expressed via my wardrobe.  I'm kind of hoping that my mom might want to take me shopping while she's here.  

Greg and I went grocery shopping.  This is something else I despise.  I spend a lot of my time in the store trying to keep Greg focused and moving because he likes to meander and look at things.  Also, we never make a list.  We could have absolutely no food in the house and we'll go shopping and come home with OJ, bread, 6 boxes of cereal, ice cream and tomatoes.  I really wish we'd take the time to plan out meals or make a list.

I went for a run when we got home from the store and I don't think I waited long enough to for my food to digest because there was a point when I was positive that I was going to barf.  Thankfully, I didn't, but now I feel a little bit pukey.

We were supposed to have two games this week, but both were rained out.  Frankly, I was quite thankful.  First off, I have been wicked exhausted this week.  Secondly, I didn't feel like being mercy ruled twice in one week when I was so tired.  It's embarrassing.  I put "wicked" in green because I know you will have your comments about it.

Well, I feel like this blog is making me sound like a crazy person.

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